God inspires us to grow in faith at all stages of life. Gloria Dei offers opportunities to deepen our faith and grow in awareness of ministries occurring in our community and throughout the world.
To reserve a room for an Adult Ministry event or activity, please complete this online form. A staff member will follow up with you.
Sunday Forums
Sunday Forums are held at 9:30 a.m., usually in the Fellowship Hall. Pastoral staff, church committees and outside speakers rotate in presenting on a variety of topics. And coffee is always served!
Upcoming Forum Presentations
2/9 State of the Congregation with Pastor Bradley In preparation for today’s annual meeting, Pastor Bradley leads us through a conversation of our current challenges and opportunities in ministry. What are our congregation’s strengths and joys? What challenges do we face in meeting our mission goals for 2025? How do our Guiding Principles guide our work? Pastor Bradley will specifically discuss our work with immigration, and a proposal for addressing the sanctuary’s sound system issues. We hope you’ll join us to reflect on the state of the church today.
2/16 Guatemala Travels! Pastor Jodi and members of the congregation traveled in October to visit our mission partners in Guatemala. They’ll share stories, photos and reflections on what they’ve learned and what it means for all of us.
2/23 Facing Jesus’ Temptations in the Age of Climate Crisis: Energy in Human History: In few weeks, we will hear of Jesus’ three temptations in the wildness, in which Satan tests Jesus with three fundamental seductions that we all face as human beings. How might we consider those seductions through the lens of energy, a physical reality that is central to our being as living things and central to our identity as humans? Might the climate crisis we are now experiencing be a result of our yielding to those seductions? Fred Quivik is a member of Gloria Dei who works as an expert in environmental litigation and is a retired history professor at Michigan Technological University.
Good News 4U Bible Study
Good News 4U Bible Study meets weekly on Mondays at 10 a.m. in the church and studies the next week’s lectionary texts. Email with questions.
Soul Food Book Group
Meets weekly on Wednesday from 9:30-11 a.m. during the school year. We’ll gather for the first time this fall on September 11.
We read a variety of books from a faith perspective. We’ll discuss a few chapters at a time each week, with opportunities for bible study, faith sharing, and getting to know each other. Each meeting begins with reading the gospel text for the upcoming Sunday. Contact Pastor Lois for more information.
See our reading schedule here: 2024-2025 Schedule.
Books we’ve previously read: History of Titles.
Men's Book Group
First Saturday of each month year-round discussions of a new title, 8:30 a.m. Find upcoming titles to be discussed.
In Your Own Words
Contemplative Writing as a Spiritual Practice
Share your words, if you wish, with this weekly writing group on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m., led by Nancy Agneberg.
Contact Nancy Agnebergfor information and to join.