Advent 2023: All Earth is Hopeful

Sunday marks the start of Advent and our spiritual preparation to meet Christ at the end of time and in the babe in the manger. As the nights get darker, for four weeks the church lights more candles, a sign of flickering hope in a world that needs a word of grace and love. These Advent days are marked by expectation, hope, and quiet joyfulness. We prepare to celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas, beginning on December 25.

                                              Midweek Advent Prayer for Peace

             Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.

Special midweek Advent Vespers, focused on praying for peace in this time of world turmoil, will be held Wednesdays between Dec. 6,13 and 20 at 6:30 p.m. Come early to Advent Vespers and enjoy the Wednesday Supper in Fellowship Hall at 5:45 p.m. A free-will offering is collected. Mid-week Advent worship will be the December programming for confirmation.

                         Advent Blue

The liturgical color for the season of Advent is blue. It’s a color of hope and expectation. The brilliant indigo blue suggests the night sky just after sunset or immediately before dawn. This year, the church will be dressed for the first time with a set of paraments and vestments designed for the newly renovated sanctuary. They were designed by Jeff Wunrow Designs specifically for Gloria Dei. (Pictured above) We are grateful to Jon and Anita Young for donating this beautiful set of Advent paraments.

Take a Devotional Break Each Day

Daily devotions centered around the theme of the Advent hymn “All Earth is Hopeful” can be accessed by clicking here. They have been written by Gloria Dei members, friends and staff. A limited number of printed devotional booklets are available in the church office. Find out what is giving the writers hope this year in a troubled world. Unfamiliar with the hymn? Click here to hear a St. Olaf choir rendition of the songWant to do something more physical to connect with Advent journey? Wednesdays from 5 to 7 p.m., there will be an opportunity to walk an indoor labyrinth, taking your soul for a stroll during these busy Advent days.



                                            Service of Lessons and Carols

                                                          Sunday, Dec. 10, 5 p.m.

Please join us for our annual service of music and readings for the Advent season led by our Chancel Choir, Schola Cantorum and beautiful instrumentalists. It’s a wonderful tradition here at Gloria Dei and a truly meaningful service to help center our hearts around the themes of hope and waiting for the Christ child’s coming to earth. This service will also be livestreamed. The service will be followed by a festive cookie and punch reception in the Gathering Place.

Children’s Christmas Program

                                                                          Sunday, Dec. 17, 3 p.m. 

Have you ever paused to wonder how amazing our bodies are? We are a collection of bones, muscles, organs, cells, and nerves wrapped in skin. Somehow all these parts work together to help us hear, smell, see, taste, and touch the world around us. During the season of Advent, we celebrate and remember when God became a human, Jesus, who lived in the world with us. During the program we will explore what that means to us today. Children will sing some Christmas favorites and a couple songs that might be new to you while we explore our Christmas program theme from Illustrated Ministries’ “Now in Flesh Appearing”. This event will also be livestreamed.

December 24 Worship Schedule

10 a.m. Holy Communion; Fourth Sunday in Advent (Livestream)

2:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship for Families; Children’s Choirs. (Livestream)

4 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship for Families and Children;

7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Holy Communion;

Chancel Choir and string/brass instrumentalists (Livestream)

10 p.m. Christmas Eve Holy Communion;

Chancel Choir and string/brass instrumentalists


Christmas Day 10 a.m., Holy Communion (Livestream)

First Sunday of Christmas Dec. 31

Holy Communion, 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. (livestream)

Carols with Tim 9:30 a.m. in the Gathering Place with carol singing for people of all ages.

What favorite carol will you be requesting?