Prevent Slip, Trip and Fall Injuries

Slips and falls are a leading factor in preventable injuries and deaths. In Minnesota, the rate of deadly falls is rising faster than rates for the US as a whole and we are one of the top states for serious or fatal injury from falls. That is not a good...

Gloria Dei Welcomes Assistant Director of Music

Gloria Dei welcomes Paul Friesen-Carper as our new Assistant Director of Music. This newly-created position helps to expand our music program to include additional style and focus for congregational singing, as well as increased attention to the children's music program.  Paul will help lead music on Sunday morning and will...

Why Take on this Project?

On October 14th, Gloria Dei voted to put a down payment on an organ that can be rebuilt in our sanctuary and hired an architect to help us consider our worship needs for the present and future.  Join us after the second service on November 18th for a workshop with...

A perspective on the Sacred Site Tour

by Steven Peterson I greatly enjoyed hearing a Native American perspective of Minnesota history as presented on the Sacred Sites Tour on October 6 and encourage others to consider this experience. Our guides, Jim Bear, a Mohican, and Bob, a Dakota, had story-telling styles that made their information easy to...

Project Home 2019

In our mission statement, we proclaim: “By God’s grace, we are called to be a caring, healing and welcoming community who proclaim and celebrate the love of Jesus Christ, live as God’s servants and seek justice for all people.” During Advent, the season of waiting and giving, Gloria Dei lives...

What?  Change the Chancel?

It’s actually not a new idea to adapt a building to house Christian worship. In fact, Gloria Dei has been adapting its building and its worship practices almost since the current building was constructed in 1950. In this presentation, I try to summarize the history of Christian architecture, with a...