I’m proud to be on the Isaiah team for Gloria Dei. Pastor Bradley gave us the image of huddling from a football perspective on Sunday, September 16. Your Isaiah team is “huddling” to figure out our team strategy to reach our goal of a commitment from all voters at Gloria...
Rooted in Generosity: sharing our resources and our building
Join us in this joyful work of investing our resources in Christ’s church. Likely, generosity will look different for all of us. What’s the next step for you?
Resources available during National Recovery Month
Gloria Dei's Mental Health and Hope in Recovery ministries are offering resources to mark September's National Recovery Month on Sunday, Sept. 23. Members of the ministries will be at tables with materials in the Gathering Place and near the library between services and after the 11:00 a.m. service. National Recovery Month...
ISAIAH: A Parish Nursing Perspective
ISAIAH is a great fit with Faith Community /Parish Nursing, which seeks to promote and support spiritual and physical well being of the congregation and broader community.
ISAIAH: Action Over Inaction – Supporting Justice and Inclusivity
Amy Hinrichs interviews Kyle Anderson, chair of ISAIAH chapter At our recent ISAIAH training August 18, I asked Kyle Anderson....why join ISAIAH? “I was impressed by the energy of the people of Gloria Dei getting involved in the work to support Safe and Sick Time for St Paul. When I...
ISAIAH: Action Over Inaction
by Jacque Bieber I found out about Isaiah when they had the big meeting a few years ago in North Minneapolis. I wanted to find out more about an organization right here in the Twin Cities, devoted to social justice and community building that included people from all religions. I...
ISAIAH: Abundance Over Scarcity
by Barbara Salava For a long time, I felt overwhelmed, powerless and frustrated with how my community and the world we live in, were functioning. As a nurse, I saw people struggling to obtain adequate healthcare while earning minimal wages including my brother. He has been a diabetic since childhood. Due...
ISAIAH: Faith not Fear
Gloria Dei member Lynn Rankinen talks about ISAIAH and shared values conversations: Faith not Fear and Abundance not Scarcity for the fall candidates.
What Does This Mean? – New Adult Growing in Faith Opportunity for Fall 2018
Join the pastors as we explore themes of Christian life, exploring the ancient teachings of the church even while taking our questions seriously.
Happy News from Waverly Lutheran, our Partner Church!
A joyous announcement to Gloria Dei’s Harvest Homecoming alumni families! Waverly Lutheran is celebrating the addition of three new members, the newborn children of Daniel and Kendra Helvig. Dan and Kendra have taken over the teaching responsibilities of instructing our second graders in stewardship – the stewardship of the land....