“Plant seeds, Pull Weeds, Harvest Hope.” ~ Anonymous Three little square raised garden beds are accomplishing a lot for the ministry of Jesus this summer! Approximately 15 volunteers are covering twenty weeks of gardening responsibilities: daily watering, weeding and harvesting on Sundays. Volunteers report that they are taking over 8...
Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala Accepted into the Lutheran World Federation
We celebrate with our companions on their acceptance into the Lutheran World Federation.
Third Chapter’s Sacred Poetry Session
The sunny Gathering Space was fully occupied on the afternoon of Thursday, July 12th, by 15 participants considering SACRED POETRY. Presenter, poet Ann Floreen Niedringhaus, provided three groups of questions along with packets of sample poems, poetry and writing books, and visual images. The sections for each period of meditation...
Churchwide Resources and Publications
Our denomination produces and offers a variety of rich and informative publications.
The Castaways Thank You!
The five VBS days of "Shipwrecked" are now over. Everyone has been rescued and returned home! Vacation Bible School was a wonderful week for both children and adults, and we will all carry great memories from this time together. Each day began with singing, skits, and a new Bible Point...
Gloria Dei Extends Its Commitment to Accompany Migrant Minors
At its June 19 meeting, the Congregation Council furthers its sanctuary support commitment made by the congregation in March, 2017.
We are Shipwrecked!
With an amazing crew of over 100 kids, helpers, and adults, Gloria Dei’s Summer Vacation Bible School is underway. We are playing, singing, creating, imagining, and learning in creative, happy ways. Our week focuses on the key message that when we’re in trouble, Jesus Rescues and frees us to a...
It’s Been a Crazy Year! -or- How Are We Doing Financially?
This has been an odd year. Because of tax law changes, more people prepaid their pledges than in any recent year. At the end of 2017, we had received $51,336 in prepaid pledges. In past years, that number has varied from $8,000 to 12,000. What a difference! That makes predicting...
From the Midst of the Assembly, We Offer Our Prayers
The Prayers of Intercession are the time in the Sunday service when we lift up our real struggles, our genuine hopes, and our concrete dreams to God, who promises always to hear us.
Gloria Dei’s Garden Gives Back to Community
We now enter our fifth year of volunteers gardening for support of Francis Basket, the Highland neighborhood food shelf.