Room 99 Update: Gearing Up For Winter

The Rojas family (our asylum seekers from Peru living at Gloria Dei) has never seen snow. Never experienced subzero temperatures or wind chills. Let’s make sure they are prepared for their first Minnesota winter! As you get yourself and your children ready for the coming cold, is there gently used...

Church Council September Update

The Congregational Council met for its regular monthly meeting on Sept. 20.   Treasurer Ben Finkelstein reported that our year-to-date offering income has fallen slightly behind our budgeted expectation. This, combined with elevated expenses, has begun to put pressure on our budget and our operational balances. We will keep an...

On World Mental Health Day, Oct. 10, Let’s Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority

Our world is reeling under the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, wars, displacement, and the climate emergency, all of which have consequences for the well-being of world citizens. Rates of people experiencing suicidal ideas are increasing globally and people with lived experiences of mental illnesses, their families and other populations...

Working Together to Do Reparations Well

Growing out of our Land Acknowledgment Statement, Gloria Dei leadership (Pastors, Staff, and Racial Justice Committee) realizes the words of the statement now need to take shape in our community. We, therefore, are now entering a time of active participation in establishing reparations and seeking relationships with Native American people and...

Room 99 Update: Expanding the Circle of Love

It’s hard to believe that the Rojas family (the Peruvian asylum seekers Gloria Dei is hosting) has been with us only two months. They have already become an important part of the life of our congregation. Sebastian has joined the kids choir and started Sunday school. Stephanie attends the Quilters group on Thursdays....

June and July Congregation Council Update

The Congregational Council met for its standing monthly meetings on June 21 and July 19, respectively. Agenda items included Committee updates from Human Resources, Stewardship, Shared Ministry and more. Treasurer Ben Finkelstein reported on the June Financial Summary. After a strong first quarter of giving, offering income has slowed in...

Summer Guest Preaching Series

Bringing Good News Summer Guest Preaching Series This summer, Gloria Dei will welcome preachers from a variety of contexts to share a word from God with us. The grant that supports Pastor Bradley’s sabbatical journey also brings us a collection of pastors to share holy wisdom centered in the lectionary...

Message from Racial Justice Team

Gifts to the Community through Gloria Dei Children and Families From January to May of this year, the Racial Justice Committee completed the task of providing anti-racist and diverse children’s literature to the Sunday School children of Gloria Dei and their families, as well as to the Highland Park Elementary...