Submit News or Events

If you have ideas for Gloria Dei news stories or Gloria Dei events to promote, please submit them by noon on Monday (advance notice is always helpful). Short notice makes it more difficult to effectively publicize news or events. We cannot guarantee how many ways we will publicize submissions. Please...

Room 99 Project Update – July 2021

On May 16, 2021, the congregation renewed its commitment to immigrant justice and voted to modify Room 99, an underused classroom, to add shower and clothes washing facilities and upgrade the current kitchenette. This is the latest on the project. As we prepare for the renovation of Room 99, we...

Room 99 Project Update – June 2021

Since the Gloria Dei congregational vote to approve the modification of Room 99, an underused classroom, to add shower and clothes washing facilities and upgrade the current kitchenette, the Immigrant Justice Team has been busy. Here’s a recap of our activities this past month, as well as the projected timeline....

Proposal for Room 99 – Approved May 16

Room 99 Housing To view the recording of the the Immigrant Support Team's congregational update on April 27 about the Room 99 housing proposal, click here. Representatives from two faith communities that are currently housing immigrants shared their experiences and answer questions. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (updated April 29,...