At its June 19 meeting, the Congregation Council furthers its sanctuary support commitment made by the congregation in March, 2017.
From the Midst of the Assembly, We Offer Our Prayers
The Prayers of Intercession are the time in the Sunday service when we lift up our real struggles, our genuine hopes, and our concrete dreams to God, who promises always to hear us.
Gloria Dei’s Garden Gives Back to Community
We now enter our fifth year of volunteers gardening for support of Francis Basket, the Highland neighborhood food shelf.
Welcome to our new Parish Nurse
We asked our new Parish Nurse a few questions as a way to introduce her to the congregation.
Gloria Dei hosts Saint Paul synod conference on Racial Justice
Gloria Dei hosts conference in order to acknowledge and better understand racism and our white privilege.
Soil, Seeds and Spirituality
Third Chapter is a newer initiative at Gloria Dei, and serves as an expression and forum for talking about and experiencing the periods of growing and changing as we age.
Stop! Look ! Listen! Read! Mental Health Awareness Month
The Mental Health Ministry team of Gloria Dei encourages members to think about their own lives, as well as the lives of those around them.
Pastor Bradley Gives Invocation for Minnesota State of the State Address
On March 14, 2018, Pastor Bradley prayed at the Joint Session of the Minnesota legislature for Governor Dayton's final State of the State Address.
Sanctuary Support Opportunities in January 2018
What's happening on Immigration and Sanctuary Support fronts? Join the Gloria Dei Sanctuary Support Team at Adult Forum on Sunday, January 21 for an update on Gloria Dei’s efforts to support immigrants in our community and to discuss the current status of immigration actions locally and nationally. Our featured...
Walk into the New Year: Open Labyrinth Time
What are your hopes, plans, goals, questions, and concerns as you begin the new year? The spiritual practice of walking a labyrinth is a way to reflect on the movement of God in your life. On Tuesday, January 9 the canvas labyrinth will be available from 1:00-6:00 p.m. in The...