Gather with us on Sunday, September 9, as we kick off a new year of programming, Sunday School, and ministries together. We’ll worship together at 8:15 and 10:45 (note fall worship schedule), and meet for Sunday School, GAPP, or forum at 9:30 a.m.* After the second service, we’ll move out...
Happy News from Waverly Lutheran, our Partner Church!
A joyous announcement to Gloria Dei’s Harvest Homecoming alumni families! Waverly Lutheran is celebrating the addition of three new members, the newborn children of Daniel and Kendra Helvig. Dan and Kendra have taken over the teaching responsibilities of instructing our second graders in stewardship – the stewardship of the land....
The Castaways Thank You!
The five VBS days of "Shipwrecked" are now over. Everyone has been rescued and returned home! Vacation Bible School was a wonderful week for both children and adults, and we will all carry great memories from this time together. Each day began with singing, skits, and a new Bible Point...
We are Shipwrecked!
With an amazing crew of over 100 kids, helpers, and adults, Gloria Dei’s Summer Vacation Bible School is underway. We are playing, singing, creating, imagining, and learning in creative, happy ways. Our week focuses on the key message that when we’re in trouble, Jesus Rescues and frees us to a...
Thoughts from the Water Tower: Faces of Grace
The month of May will be the final Water Tower rotation of the year – Faces of Grace.
Thoughts from the Water Tower: March Rotation for 1st – 4th Graders
A criminal says: “God loves me even though I did wrong.”
Children’s Experiences for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week
Gloria Dei invites children and young families to Children’s Experiences crafted uniquely for them...
Thoughts from the Water Tower: February Rotation for 1st – 4th Graders
by Deacon Pat Derry A Lost Son says: God loves my bad brother? Luke tells us that “tax collectors and sinners” were drawn to Jesus. How could someone who is drowning in the consequences of wrong choices, experience such gracious acceptance and not feel loved! By contrast, the “church leaders”...
Thoughts from the Water Tower
by Deacon Pat Derry From Martin Luther to Jonah: What’s the connection? What do you associate with the name of Martin Luther? •Grace alone, Faith alone, Word alone? The first Bible in German vernacular? “Here I Stand!” What do you associate with the name of Jonah? •Jonah and the Big...