Guest Preacher Kicks Off a Season of Racial Justice Work

On Sunday, March 2, we welcome guest preacher/forum leader Pastor Osheta Moore. Along with being a writer and speaker, Pr. Moore co-pastors Roots Moravian Church in the Midway of St Paul. Pr. Moore will be working alongside Gloria Dei for the coming months as we deepen our work around the...


Upcoming Forum Presentations11/19 Meet the Candidate for our Director of Youth and Family Formation.  Members of the Call Committee will be present to introduce us to our candidate for the youth position, and we'll have time for questions, answers, and a chance to meet with them.  Note that a meeting will...

Soul Food Book Discussion Group Resumes this Fall

Soul Food returns this fall, and we'll have an even better discussion if you are with us! Soul Food meets at Gloria Dei most Wednesday mornings of the school year, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m., to share faith, get to know others, and discuss a book from a Christian perspective. We're...

Sanctuary Renewal Conversation continues

Join us for Forum between services 9-15-19 – Sanctuary Renewal Proposal   Seventy years ago, members of Gloria Dei made a major commitment to the current design of our sanctuary and it has obviously served us very well. Now, it’s our turn to look ahead. Renewing our worship space will...