Guest Preacher Kicks Off a Season of Racial Justice Work

On Sunday, March 2, we welcome guest preacher/forum leader Pastor Osheta Moore. Along with being a writer and speaker, Pr. Moore co-pastors Roots Moravian Church in the Midway of St Paul. Pr. Moore will be working alongside Gloria Dei for the coming months as we deepen our work around the...

Music for a Time of Turmoil

Music and prayers at a time of national division and discernment will be offered in a simple, participatory Evensong liturgy, complemented by special music, at 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 10, in the sanctuary of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul. Baritone soloist Andrew Wilkowske, with Chancel Choir and Orchestra, will...

It’s time for the 2023 Giving Tree!

A Christmas tradition here at Gloria Dei is sharing gifts with homeless youth and families who are facing financial challenges. In partnership with Neighborhood House, LSS Metro Homeless Youth Services and - new this year - the Mendota Mdewankanton Dakota Tribal Community, we have the same opportunity again this year....

Working Together to Do Reparations Well

Growing out of our Land Acknowledgment Statement, Gloria Dei leadership (Pastors, Staff, and Racial Justice Committee) realizes the words of the statement now need to take shape in our community. We, therefore, are now entering a time of active participation in establishing reparations and seeking relationships with Native American people and...

Room 99 Update: Expanding the Circle of Love

It’s hard to believe that the Rojas family (the Peruvian asylum seekers Gloria Dei is hosting) has been with us only two months. They have already become an important part of the life of our congregation. Sebastian has joined the kids choir and started Sunday school. Stephanie attends the Quilters group on Thursdays....

Room 99 Project – September Update

The Rojas family is gearing up for fall! Their top priority is making sure the transition to school goes smoothly for Sebastian. They had a great tour of Riverview this week and are excited by the opportunities the school offers. Luis and Stephanie will begin EL (English Language) classes soon....

Room 99 Project – August Update

We welcomed our first family (Luis, Stephanie, and Sebastian) into the Room 99 apartment a week ago! They are excited and relieved to have a safe and stable home. Already they’ve made connections with staff, families with kids, and our gardening group, and they visited the Highland Pool on the...

Room 99 Project — July Update

After two years, we are thrilled to announce that the renovation of Room 99 is complete! Thanks to the hard work of Langer Construction, the furniture assembly and tile expertise of Scott Keyes, the steady assistance of Clayton Gardner, and the wonderful volunteers who cleaned the space and unpacked, washed,...