Message from Racial Justice Team

Gifts to the Community through Gloria Dei Children and Families From January to May of this year, the Racial Justice Committee completed the task of providing anti-racist and diverse children’s literature to the Sunday School children of Gloria Dei and their families, as well as to the Highland Park Elementary...

Room 99 Project Update – June 2022

A lot is happening with Room 99! Recent highlights include a successful plumbing inspection, completion of electrical wiring, painting in the bathroom and main living space, installation of the flooring and baseboards, preparation for installing the heating and cooling unit, and installation of the door frames to the apartment and...

Gloria Dei Giving Garden 2022

Hello everyone! My name is Kristina Ralston, and I am the volunteer coordinator for the Giving Garden this summer! My family and I (husband, Andrew, two children, Sylvia (12) and Gavin (10), and our cockapoo, Finnley) live near Mendota Heights, and are happy to be attending church again at Gloria...

Room 99 Project Update – January 2022

In our last update, we reported that Room 99 renovations could not begin until plans to satisfy Saint Paul zoning and code requirements had been approved by the City. We’re happy to report that we received zoning approval on Dec. 6, along with this nice comment: “Thank you for carrying...