Guest Preacher Kicks Off a Season of Racial Justice Work

On Sunday, March 2, we welcome guest preacher/forum leader Pastor Osheta Moore. Along with being a writer and speaker, Pr. Moore co-pastors Roots Moravian Church in the Midway of St Paul. Pr. Moore will be working alongside Gloria Dei for the coming months as we deepen our work around the...

Reporting and Responding to Sexual Misconduct

Safe Community at Gloria Dei The Gloria Dei Congregation is committed to preventing sexual misconduct within the church and throughout our communities by rostered ministers, other employees, congregation members, participants, or volunteers, and to responding promptly with justice and compassion when such misconduct occurs. While there have been no reported...

Stay in Community

But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into the one who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in...

Sanctuary Renewal Conversation continues

Join us for Forum between services 9-15-19 – Sanctuary Renewal Proposal   Seventy years ago, members of Gloria Dei made a major commitment to the current design of our sanctuary and it has obviously served us very well. Now, it’s our turn to look ahead. Renewing our worship space will...

Sanctuary Renewal: Summer of Conversations

On May 19, the Sanctuary Renewal Task Force presented the proposed design for congregational study, discussion, and consideration — today and in the months to come. SUMMER OF CONVERSATIONS  Join us in the nave, at the front of the sanctuary, between services from 9:20 – 9:50. May 26: Together we’ll...

Stepping Out: Renewing our Worship Space

Dear Friends, In the last couple of years, I’ve sometimes chosen to preach from the steps in front of the altar instead of the pulpit.  I don’t do it every time I preach because it’s a lot of work to memorize the sermon.  Some weeks, I have the time.  Others,...

Gloria Dei Welcomes Assistant Director of Music

Gloria Dei welcomes Paul Friesen-Carper as our new Assistant Director of Music. This newly-created position helps to expand our music program to include additional style and focus for congregational singing, as well as increased attention to the children's music program.  Paul will help lead music on Sunday morning and will...