Year-end Congregational Council update

Greetings, The Congregational Council convened regular monthly meetings on November 15 and again December 15. At the forefront of those meetings was a review of the financial standing of the church, with an eye toward the 2023 budget. That proposed budget will be recommended by the Finance Committee, reviewed by...

Advent Evening Prayer, Wednesday Supper Canceled

Due to a frightful weather forecast, Advent Evening Prayer tomorrow night has been canceled. The Wednesday Supper is also canceled but youth and adult choir rehearsals are still scheduled. You're also welcome to watch a replay of last week's Advent Evening Prayer here on Gloria Dei's YouTube channel.

A Thanksgiving Message from Room 99

The Rojas family would like to share the following message with the Gloria Dei community. "Luis, Sebastian, and I give thanks to God for giving us life and for welcoming us into God's home, giving us food, clothing, health, and beautiful people who help us every day with everything we need. Thank...

October Congregational Council Recap

The Congregational Council met for its regular monthly meeting on October 18. Treasurer Ben Finkelstein reported that our giving in the second and third quarters was down, behind both our budget expectations and our giving last year. This decline now constitutes a trend. Council discussion reminds us that giving in...

Room 99 Update: Gearing Up For Winter

The Rojas family (our asylum seekers from Peru living at Gloria Dei) has never seen snow. Never experienced subzero temperatures or wind chills. Let’s make sure they are prepared for their first Minnesota winter! As you get yourself and your children ready for the coming cold, is there gently used...

Church Council September Update

The Congregational Council met for its regular monthly meeting on Sept. 20.   Treasurer Ben Finkelstein reported that our year-to-date offering income has fallen slightly behind our budgeted expectation. This, combined with elevated expenses, has begun to put pressure on our budget and our operational balances. We will keep an...