LED Screens

LED screens are up. Your hymnal and bulletin are safe. God’s gonna meet us in new ways. Greetings from your Assistant Director of Worship Production. What a wild ride we’ve been on these last two years! Before the pandemic found us in Minnesota, Gloria Dei’s video ministry comprised of about...

Submit News or Events

If you have ideas for Gloria Dei news stories or Gloria Dei events to promote, please submit them by noon on Monday (advance notice is always helpful). Short notice makes it more difficult to effectively publicize news or events. We cannot guarantee how many ways we will publicize submissions. Please...

Caring for Creation: The Web of Life

When Earth was created, God entrusted us as its stewards and calls us to care for it and each other in all our actions. When we make environmentally-wise choices we are celebrating and respecting creation, giving thanks for Earth’s abundant resources, and being good stewards with what we’re given. Genesis...