Kyrstin Schwartz joins Gloria Dei as Director of Children and Family Faith Formation. We're excited to announce that Kyrstin Schwartz will be joining our staff as the full-time Director of Children and Family Faith Formation. She brings many years of experience in youth and children's ministry in the Lutheran Church....
Pastor Bradley’s Letter to Rabbi Adam Spilker, Mt. Zion Temple
Dear Rabbi Spilker, Adam, my colleague and friend, the people of God at Mount Zion Temple The people of Gloria Dei stand alongside the people of Mt. Zion Temple as well as the people of Tree of Life Congregation, crying out to God for healing; for an end to hatred and...
What? Change the Chancel?
It’s actually not a new idea to adapt a building to house Christian worship. In fact, Gloria Dei has been adapting its building and its worship practices almost since the current building was constructed in 1950. In this presentation, I try to summarize the history of Christian architecture, with a...
Special Congregational Meeting scheduled for October 14
At a September 25th Special Meeting, the Gloria Dei Congregational Council voted to accept and endorse resolutions from both the Organ Committee and the Chancel Redesign Task Force. Subsequently, the council also called a Congregational Meeting for October 14th for the purpose of reviewing these resolutions, gathering thoughts from the...
Rally Sunday, 2018 — Rooted in Generosity!
Gather with us on Sunday, September 9, as we kick off a new year of programming, Sunday School, and ministries together. We’ll worship together at 8:15 and 10:45 (note fall worship schedule), and meet for Sunday School, GAPP, or forum at 9:30 a.m.* After the second service, we’ll move out...
From the Midst of the Assembly, We Offer Our Prayers
The Prayers of Intercession are the time in the Sunday service when we lift up our real struggles, our genuine hopes, and our concrete dreams to God, who promises always to hear us.
Organ Committee Update from Task Force
The Organ Task Force is looking at exciting possibilities and a concrete proposal to address this ongoing issue.
Guiding Principles: Question 1
How will you engage worship so that it becomes more meaningful and relevant in your life?
Maundy Thursday Community Meal and Worship
Using an ancient liturgy from the second century, we'll gather at tables in another room to sing and hear lessons. The night is designed to create a community of conversation and friendship. It's a unique opportunity that we hope can open this night to a new understanding of what happened...
Children’s Experiences for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week
Gloria Dei invites children and young families to Children’s Experiences crafted uniquely for them...