Bread of Life Sundays start July 28

Jesus calls himself the bread of life, nourishing our bodies and spirits with all for which we hunger and sending us out to feed our neighbors. For five Sundays this summer, we will hear from John 6, which gives us a chance to explore the bread of life theme and have some fun. Plan now to bring bread for one of our upcoming coffee hours after either of our worship services. Bake or purchase the bread of your choice and help us fill our community with joy. What will you bring? Rye, whole wheat, gluten free, sweet bread, cinnamon rolls, zucchini bread? See which week is your chance. Bring bread as individual servings and add to the bread table in the Gathering Place. What Sunday should you bring your favored bread? If your last name starts with: 

  • A-F: July 28
  • G-L: August 4
  • M-R:  August 11
  • S-Z:  August 19