Gloria Dei Annual Meeting/Potluck is Feb. 9

Save the date for Gloria Dei’s annual meeting on Sunday, Feb. 9, 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We will celebrate the mission and ministries of our congregation, adopt our annual budget, consider our priorities and share the dreams for God’s work at Gloria Dei in 2025. All confirmed members and prospective members are invited to join the Annual Meeting in Fellowship Hall. Before the business starts, we’ll enjoy a bountiful potluck meal. To ensure a good distribution of food items at the potluck, we’ve sorted dish requests this way: if your last name starts with:

  • A-E: desserts;
  • F-O: main dishes;
  • P-R: breads, gluten free breads, rolls, spreads and condiments;
  • S-Z: salads and sides.

If you have something amazing you really want to bring, go ahead! All are welcome regardless if you bring a dish or just your appetite.

Also, a great potluck takes a lot of volunteer hands to make it all work out. Click here if you can lend a hand before, during or after the event.