Guest Preacher Kicks Off a Season of Racial Justice Work

On Sunday, March 2, we welcome guest preacher/forum leader Pastor Osheta Moore. Along with being a writer and speaker, Pr. Moore co-pastors Roots Moravian Church in the Midway of St Paul. Pr. Moore will be working alongside Gloria Dei for the coming months as we deepen our work around the themes of contemplative activism, reframing anti-racism and becoming a beloved community. If you want to begin now, buy her book Dear White Peacemakers and begin reading. Looking for a place to buy the book? A great option is local, independent shop Black Garnet Books here in St Paul. Or buy it wherever you like to buy books. If you are a book listener, it’s also available on Audible (with Pr. Moore reading).We are grateful to the months-long planning efforts of Gloria Dei’s racial justice team to bring this new whole-congregational learning opportunity to fruition. 

Here is the full schedule that Pr. Moore will have at Gloria Dei through the next two months:

  • Sunday, March 2, preaches at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. services. Sunday Forum at 9:30 a.m. is a chance to hear more about Pr. Moore and our work ahead.

  • Wednesday, March 12, Pr. Moore will be with us for Lenten evening prayer at 6:30 p.m. and then spend time with confirmation students and anyone else who is interested at 7 p.m. Confirmation students are blessed on their way at 7:30 p.m. and everyone else is welcomed for to stay for a deeper dive until 8 p.m.

  • Wednesday, April 9, Pr. Moore will be with us for Lenten evening prayer at 6:30PM, time with confirmation students and anyone else who is interested 7  p.m. Confirmation students are blessed on their way at 7:30p.m. and everyone else is welcomed for to stay for a deeper dive until 8 p.m.

Watch for special Lenten eNews posts on Mondays with wisdom, reflections and practices from Pastor Moore and the Gloria Dei pastors.