Gloria Dei’s Mental Health and Hope in Recovery ministries are offering resources to mark September’s National Recovery Month on Sunday, Sept. 23. Members of the ministries will be at tables with materials in the Gathering Place and near the library between services and after the 11:00 a.m. service.
National Recovery Month is sponsored each September by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration with the goal of increasing awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders and celebrating the people who recover.
Gloria Dei’s Mental Health Ministry Team plans educational events and brings resources to Gloria Dei about practices and lifestyles to promote emotional and mental well being. The Hope in Recovery ministry works to promote Gloria Dei as a safe place to discuss addiction and recovery. These ministries always welcome new members! If you are interested, contact Parish Nurse Jill Stewart.
If you would like to be among people working to make Gloria Dei a safe place to talk about addiction to alcohol, drugs and other things as well as the hope and power of recovery, please contact Parish Nurse Jill Stewart and/or Patrice Vick or call Patrice at 651-447-3116. The Hope in Recovery ministry is organizing activities for the coming year and needs your help.