From the moment we began to imagine housing asylum seekers at Gloria Dei, we’ve been learning. The month of November was no exception, with education happening on many fronts. - The Immigrant Justice Team hosted two Sunday Forums that detailed the experience of asylum seekers (Nov. 7) and provided an...
Confirmation Winter Retreat
Click here for more info on our Confirmation Winter Retreats, 2022
Room 99 Project Update – October 2021
On May 16, 2021, the congregation renewed its commitment to immigrant justice and voted to modify Room 99, an underused classroom, to add shower and clothes washing facilities and upgrade the current kitchenette. This is the latest on the project. October was an exciting month for the Room 99 project....
Rise, O Church Status Report – October 2021
Beginning on Oct. 5 the church was a flurry of activity with many volunteers and staff removing and relocating items from the Sanctuary and spaces that will be impacted below the Sanctuary. Music Director Tim Strand led a team to dismantle the existing organ, and many of its parts will...
Gloria Dei Supports Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative
$10,000 Gift Approved by Council At the October 2021 Church Council meeting, the Gloria Dei Gifts, Grants and Memorials Committee (GGM) recommended a $10,000 gift to Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative (Beacon). As seed money, this gift will support a planned project to develop permanent affordable and supportive housing for families...
Volunteer with the Weekend Backpack Program
We need volunteers to help in two ways. We are purchasing our nutritious foods for the Weekend Backpack Program. Purchase healthy snacks at Target or Aldi as they have a better selection of healthy snacks. You can drop them off at the church in the Sharing Place (Room 98), just...
Room 99 Project Update – September 2021
On May 16, 2021, the congregation renewed its commitment to immigrant justice and voted to modify Room 99, an underused classroom, to add shower and clothes washing facilities and upgrade the current kitchenette. This is the latest on the project. Anticipation is growing around the Room 99 ministry! Months of...
Join the Room 99 Preparation Effort
—Message by Lenore Franzen As the Immigrant Justice Team prepares Room 99 to serve as temporary housing for asylum seekers, we’ve been busy with many tasks: - Meeting with the construction company - Building a network of community partners - Ordering kitchen cabinets - Planning and putting processes in place...
Caring for Creation: Green Workspace
And one called to another and said, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. ~ Isaiah 6:3 When Earth was created, God entrusted us as its stewards and calls us to care for it and each other in all our actions....