Dear Friends, In the last couple of years, I’ve sometimes chosen to preach from the steps in front of the altar instead of the pulpit. I don’t do it every time I preach because it’s a lot of work to memorize the sermon. Some weeks, I have the time. Others,...
Sanctuary Redesign
by Mike Kruger, Chair of Sanctuary Task Force Getting involved in the sanctuary redesign effort at Gloria Dei has been quite an adventure and an amazing experience for me! It started with Tim Strand’s demonstration one Sunday morning in the Chancel. He literally gave a “hands on” demonstration on why...
Sanctuary Redesign Needs Assessment Report
In November over 120 people gathered to share their ideas on and input about the future of our worship space. Opinions, ideas, hopes, dreams and concerns were voiced and recorded. We truly value everyone’s involvement and passion. All of the information was gathered and submitted to our architect, Jim Hundt...
Greetings from President of Agustinian Lutheran Church of Guatemala
Rev Karen Castillo, pesident of Agustinian Lutheran Church of Guatemala sends an update as 2019 begins.
Greetings from Colegio Luterano Agustino de Guatemala
Gloria Dei received this letter from our friends in Guatemala, sharing the good news and thank you for our support. Translation is provided by Diego Gil. Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, through this letter, we send a fraternal greeting, wishing in God our Lord, you are enjoying the end...
Prevent Slip, Trip and Fall Injuries
Slips and falls are a leading factor in preventable injuries and deaths. In Minnesota, the rate of deadly falls is rising faster than rates for the US as a whole and we are one of the top states for serious or fatal injury from falls. That is not a good...
Meet Paul Friesen-Carper, New Assistant Director of Music
Paul begins his ministry with us this December. Here are some fun facts about Paul: 1) What was the first musical instrument you learned to play? Who taught you? My first instrument was the cello. I first was introduced to it when my father taught a beginning strings class for...
Gloria Dei Welcomes Assistant Director of Music
Gloria Dei welcomes Paul Friesen-Carper as our new Assistant Director of Music. This newly-created position helps to expand our music program to include additional style and focus for congregational singing, as well as increased attention to the children's music program. Paul will help lead music on Sunday morning and will...
Meet Kyrstin Schwartz, New Director of Children and Family Faith Formation
Kyrstin will begin her ministry with us on Dec. 3. Read her previous introduction. We asked her some questions about life and ministry: 1) What kinds of things were you involved in at church as a kid and teen? I loved volunteering in the nursery, teaching VBS and Sunday School,...
Fun Facts about Karen Earhuff, Church Office Coordinator
Fun facts about Karen Earhuff, Church Office Coordinator When did you start working at GDLC? I started to work here in February of 2008, I have been here over 10 years. What church are you a member of, and how long have you been a member there? I am a...