On March 14, 2018, Pastor Bradley prayed at the Joint Session of the Minnesota legislature for Governor Dayton's final State of the State Address.
Maundy Thursday Community Meal and Worship
Using an ancient liturgy from the second century, we'll gather at tables in another room to sing and hear lessons. The night is designed to create a community of conversation and friendship. It's a unique opportunity that we hope can open this night to a new understanding of what happened...
Thoughts from the Water Tower: March Rotation for 1st – 4th Graders
A criminal says: “God loves me even though I did wrong.”
Pastor Bradley Responds to Sunday’s Protester
We’re proud of our mission and we want everyone to know about what Jesus is doing here.
Art Installation Veils the Chancel for Lent 2018
It’s an old tradition to veil the cross during Lent or for the two weeks before Easter...
Children’s Experiences for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week
Gloria Dei invites children and young families to Children’s Experiences crafted uniquely for them...
Thoughts from the Water Tower: February Rotation for 1st – 4th Graders
by Deacon Pat Derry A Lost Son says: God loves my bad brother? Luke tells us that “tax collectors and sinners” were drawn to Jesus. How could someone who is drowning in the consequences of wrong choices, experience such gracious acceptance and not feel loved! By contrast, the “church leaders”...
Thoughts from the Water Tower
by Deacon Pat Derry From Martin Luther to Jonah: What’s the connection? What do you associate with the name of Martin Luther? •Grace alone, Faith alone, Word alone? The first Bible in German vernacular? “Here I Stand!” What do you associate with the name of Jonah? •Jonah and the Big...
Sanctuary Support Opportunities in January 2018
What's happening on Immigration and Sanctuary Support fronts? Join the Gloria Dei Sanctuary Support Team at Adult Forum on Sunday, January 21 for an update on Gloria Dei’s efforts to support immigrants in our community and to discuss the current status of immigration actions locally and nationally. Our featured...
Walk into the New Year: Open Labyrinth Time
What are your hopes, plans, goals, questions, and concerns as you begin the new year? The spiritual practice of walking a labyrinth is a way to reflect on the movement of God in your life. On Tuesday, January 9 the canvas labyrinth will be available from 1:00-6:00 p.m. in The...