“A Part of Me Feels______”

These five words are a relatively straightforward way to connect with yourself as you strive for clarity and happiness in your life. Of course, it’s the sixth word that may cause you to pause, look within yourself, and try to discern a specific emotion. “These five words can start a...

October Congregational Council Recap

The Congregational Council met for its regular monthly meeting on October 18. Treasurer Ben Finkelstein reported that our giving in the second and third quarters was down, behind both our budget expectations and our giving last year. This decline now constitutes a trend. Council discussion reminds us that giving in...

Things you can do to help prevent suicides

Suicide is a public health crisis and is approached as such by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Every age group and community is impacted by suicide; fatalities are highest among middle-aged and older white men. Dr. Christine Moutier, Chief Medical Officer for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,...

Room 99 Update: Gearing Up For Winter

The Rojas family (our asylum seekers from Peru living at Gloria Dei) has never seen snow. Never experienced subzero temperatures or wind chills. Let’s make sure they are prepared for their first Minnesota winter! As you get yourself and your children ready for the coming cold, is there gently used...

Church Council September Update

The Congregational Council met for its regular monthly meeting on Sept. 20.   Treasurer Ben Finkelstein reported that our year-to-date offering income has fallen slightly behind our budgeted expectation. This, combined with elevated expenses, has begun to put pressure on our budget and our operational balances. We will keep an...