
Welcome to Shared Ministry at Gloria Dei!

Shared ministry is a model for embracing our congregation’s mission as a responsibility not just of staff and key leaders but also of every member. Shared ministry celebrates the unique gifts and experiences each member has to offer and invites those gifts into service. It offers opportunities for ministry that nurture and develop their gifts and areas of interest in ways that advance our shared mission and foster our growth as a community and as individuals.
How is God calling you to serve the mission of Gloria Dei? We invite you to think about and identify your skills, talents and experience to note areas of interest you care about. Reflecting on these and looking at the opportunities to serve with Gloria Dei, you will be asked to share the ministries in which you are currently involved and those in which you would newly like to be involved. These inventories will be submitted to Gloria Dei.
What happens with the forms? Members of the Shared Ministry Committee will contact you to further discuss any new involvements you desire and connect you with the leaders of those ministries. The information is entered into the Gloria Dei membership database. Demographic information will be checked for accuracy.
Why should I complete these inventories each year? It is a good practice to reflect each year on how we want to share in the ministries of Gloria Dei. We recognize that new skills are developed from time to time and interests can change. We support that when a person decides to serve with a specific ministry, one is not signing up for life and may want to serve in a new way from time to time. As members desire involvement in new ways, the Shared Ministry Committee will connect them with those ministries. When needs occur throughout the year, we want to reach out to those who have the skills to share or have present day interests that coordinate to the need. It is also one way to keep your demographic information up to date.




Use our Gifts and Passions Survey to tell us what skills, talents, and experience you have to share for the sake of God’s mission, and to let us know what issues you feel most passionate about.



Review the ministry opportunities below. Then use our Ministry Interests Survey to tell us which ministries you are currently involved with and which ones you would like to learn more about.

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee helps guide the internal and external communications of church information. It works to strategize and plan with church staff and ministry teams in the areas of announcements, website content, social media, and advertising.  Members are those who like to write, talk, snap pictures, or create posts that tell people what is happening at Gloria Dei

Offering Counter
Offering counters work as a team, usually on Monday mornings, to record and count offerings and contributions, providing accounting control for cash/check receipts and deposits.

Office Support
Office support may include various tasks, such as answering phones, greeting guests, handling clerical tasks such as proofreading, using Microsoft Word/Publisher, duplicating/assembling Sunday bulletins or other materials.  Volunteers during the week are on-call and contacted to help when regular staff are unavailable.

Shared Ministry Committee
The Shared Ministry Committee works closely with staff and lay leaders to engage members in reflection on how sharing their gifts and passions live out one’s faith and facilitate volunteer opportunities for all.  Members work to produce a ministry booklet, and coordinate and monitor gift, passion, and interest inventories.  They organize ministry fairs and maintain a volunteer database.  The committee meets at church at 4 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month.